VoiceMac is the first Google Voice client for the Mac. Send multiple SMS Messages, send SMS Messages, receive SMS Messages, place calls, look at your call history, receive voicemail, reverse lookup a phone number, and search your contact list in one easy interface. When you receive a SMS Message or Voicemail, you get notifications via Growl and hear sounds that is customizable.
With SIP support you can place calls from your computer using your favorite SIP service and if you link your Google Voice Number with the SIP service, you can place calls with your Google Voice Number from your computer. With the reverse lookup data, you can see who is calling you, even if their number isn't in your contacts list.
With themes, you can customize your SMS Messages look anyway you like with simple HTML or by downloading a theme.
VoiceMac's contacts system is one of the best contacts system around, with support for Address Book and Google Contacts. You can search your contacts just like a Search Engine with speed.
VoiceMac is Open Source at |
Fixed Login for Google Voice.
Added option to choose recorded calls folder.
Added additional codecs for SIP.
Added management for codecs.
Update Growl to add Notification Center support.
Added override for Google's New Privacy Policy to allow continuation of use.
Fixed issues with SIP relating to Domain/Registrar being configured incorrectly.
Added account name to Google Voice 2 Step Verification.
Upgraded PJSIP to 2.1 Stable.
Fixed SMS Notification issues.
Fixed issues when Google verifies the account.
Fixed issues with 2 step verification.
Fixed some crashes.
Fixed issues with SIP causing the application to crash.
Fixed issues with international login.
Fixed issues where going to sleep causes a crash.
Added the ability to change the DTMF tone generator.
Added the ability to choose the top priority codec for SIP.
Added the ability to choose the top priority transport for SIP.
Fixed issue with SMS notifications.
Fixed issues with SIP calling to international numbers.
Added support for 2 step verification.
Fixed issues with login.
Removed default as Gizmo5.
Fixed issues with audio converter for SIP.
Voice Mac is now known as VoiceMac.
VoiceMac is completely redone from the ground up with loads of new features including SIP support and tabbed SMS.
VoiceMac is now Open Source at, please help me out with developing this Google Voice Application. |
None |
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Downloads: |
110,369 |
Version Downloads: |
27,215 |
Category: |
Internet/Chat |
Released: |
August 11, 2009 |
Updated: |
October 30, 2013 |
Operating System: |
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger |
Architecture: |
File Size: |
12.01 MB |
Rating: |
386 Votes |