Is there a way to SMS an entry from my mac address book?
I get the SMS button only with google contacts.
Seems that any "mobile" type number should be enabled for SMS.
Mr. Gecko
March 10, 2011, 1:02:48 PM
By default, the Address Book is used, you can choose which one you want to use for what account and then choose the contact you want and push the SMS button or you can type in a number into the search field and push the SMS button.
J. Jordan
March 10, 2011, 8:32:30 PM
It would be great if VoiceMac were scriptable so that I could click on a telephone number in Address Book and select call or SMS with VoiceMac. I place most VOIP calls with because I can do it from Address Book even though I like the VOIP capabilities of VoiceMac better. Ultimately it would be nice to be able to completely turn off the address functions of VoiceMac and initiate all calls and SMS from Address Book. I'm well aware that many (maybe most) people would prefer it the way it is. Anyway, thanks for a great program, it does more and better than anything else out there.
Mr. Gecko
March 10, 2011, 8:54:45 PM
It is somewhat scriptable, you just use open url instead as it has the sip:// and tel:// urls built in. Most scripting environments can open them and that'll work within VoiceMac.
March 10, 2011, 9:19:30 PM
Referring to SMS on Address book:
The problem is that there is no SMS button at all with a SIP account and contacts selected as "Address Book." If I configure my SIP account with google contacts, then I do get an SMS button.
More background:
I wiped out the VM data from my library so was prompted to rerenter everything.
I created a combined google account; it successfully logged in. I ended up with two entries on the account screen.
I then created a SIP account and associated it with the google account. Got my google contacts plus an SMS button.
Edited that SIP account to use Address Book for contacts. Restarted. I had the Address Book for my contacts and a CALL but no SMS button.
Will try this again later tonight.
Mr. Gecko
March 10, 2011, 10:08:31 PM
SIP does not have SMS, only Google Voice does. Try moving the contacts list over so you can see both of them at the same time instead of the front one.
March 10, 2011, 10:26:54 PM
Got it.
I had presumed that the sip/gv account was for voice calls and that all SMS activity was routed through GV regardless. Makes sense now.
(I use to integrate gv and my regular sip account. Have linksys voip device connecting telephone to sipsorcery which invokes gv to set up an outgoing call. Allows real phone to originate calls with gv number. Has side benefit of not costing anything. Because sipsorcery script also has goodies like speed dialing, routing for toll-free numbers & blocking of inappropriate numbers, I was trying to use VM as alternate phone. Maybe I should just go directly to GV and drop other stuff.